Sunday, September 20, 2015

Professional Sports in Iowa

I feel like we need a professional sports team here in Iowa. Iowa fans are very competitive and truly die-hard fans of their team, but unfortunately we don't have a professional team for baseball, football, or basketball, the three most commonly watched sports teams. People here in Iowa, especially those who are fans of the University of Iowa football team, love to tailgate. It is almost as if it is a major part of the culture here around Eastern Iowa. Not saying that it isn't enjoyable to go see a Hawkeye or Cyclone game, but I feel like there would be a ton more excitement if there was a professional football or basketball team here that everyone could appreciate, instead of having Iowans split up into Packers, Bears, and Vikings fans, and other teams from various areas of the country, we would have a team that we would be able to take pride for and call our own. I know that professional sports teams require a ton of people to come out and support them every week so that they can be profitable, and I believe that is the the missing piece in our situation. Iowa isn't very populous and that is inhibiting us from being able to support a large scale stadium and team who can compete in with the big leagues in any sport. As much as I and anyone else wants to see a professional sport team come to Iowa, I feel like there won't be the possibility of one coming for quite a long time, since there isn't the population to have a large fan base that would buy season tickets, and spend money on merchandise and other things needed to keep the massive overhead of making a professional team profitable. Another issue I see occurring is that the people who have become extreme fans for the college teams here in Iowa may not sway their faith to their team and continue going to college games over the chance to go to a professional game, just because they have been doing it as a tradition for so long, and they connections and friends and family who all go to the college games as well, just like my family who have had season tickets before and would religiously go to Hawkeye football games that were at home, and participate in everything surrounding them. Sports are the cause of great friendships and almost as many enemies, but I feel like they are very important to most of us in Iowa and also even more people all around the country who have their own teams they love.  I do wish that some day Iowans will be united under at least one professional team, whether it's for football, basketball, or whatever sport it may be.

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