Monday, October 26, 2015

Costumes for this Halloween Weekend

Halloween is coming up as you guys know so this week I'm going to dedicate most of my blogging time to talk about things that you should do this Halloween. Some people say that this holiday is just for kids, and I disagree. This is probably one of my favorite holidays so I am going to go all out in describing what to do. Just think about it, this is the one time of the year where being scary is acceptable, all the other holidays aren't like that at all. So I say, don't go as a fairy. Go as some Zombie that was a king and is missing an eye or has an ax stuck in his head and is bleeding and oozing. Make your costume exciting. If you don't put much into your costume you won't have that much come out of it! I think that there are some good store bought costumes, but ultimately the best come from you. There are hundreds of millions of you going to be dressing up, and maybe what, a thousand people coming up with costume designs for the year? Probably not even that many. There are so many more ideas that you can think of to make fun and exciting than companies can produce, or can reasonably produce on a large enough scale where they would be able to mass produce it for a store. So if you haven't already started to spend some time on your costume, I say you should stop reading right here and get to work. Seriously! There are so many cool ideas you can find online and that you can interpret your own way to make it how you want it to be. The costume is going to be your first impression on people who see you this Saturday night so make sure you make your costume scary!

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